Желєзняк Людмила Дмитрівна,
вчитель англійської мови
комунального закладу
"Дивізійський ліцей "
Дивіійської сільської ради
Білгород-Дністровського району
Одеської області
Bring joy and
you'll be happy !
The 5th form. The 8th of March, 2023. Children are singing the song "If you Love your Munmmy..."
The 4th form. December, 2021.
The pupils are singing the song “Jingle Bells”
The 3rd form – 04.03.2021. The pupils are singing the song “Happy Mother’s Day”
The New Year holidays are always the most festive parties in a school year.
The 29th of November, 2019
Dear future generations !
We, the 11th formers of the communal establishment “Dyviziіa General Secondary School of І-ІІІ Levels”, appeal to you to remind that Remembrance is a great thing in our life. It’s very important to recall the historical events of our Motherland, of our native Ukraine. Especially now we speak about famines of 1921-23, 1932-33, 1946-47.
On the 27th of November we commemorated the victims of the Holodomor, a famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. During the Holodomor millions of inhabitants of Ukraine died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine. Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine and 15 other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government.
Our society tries to keep in memory the awful years of history and commemorate their victims in the museums, in literature, in art…
The Memorial in Commemoration of Famines' Victims in Ukraine, Ukraine's national museum and a world-class centre devoted to the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933, was opened on the day of the 75th anniversary of the Holodomor in 2008. The museum is located on the Pechersk Hills on the right bank of the Dnieper river in Kiev. Besides that there are a lot of local museums around Ukraine, which keep the evidences of witnesses.
Poetry is another form of literature that could be used to describe the Holodomor to children. And we’d like to cite the extract of the poem which was written by Halia Dmytryshyn.
After the ruthless communists came,
Millions of people died in Ukraine.
Borders were sealed as though with a shroud,
Help for Ukraine would not be allowed.
No nation would answer her plea,
The world would not know or see,
The Hunger and Genocide brought to be,
By the Communist forces in 1933.
So, dear future generations, we’re sure you’ll remember the history of our country and it’s lessons. In general famine is a situation in which there is not enough food for a great number of people, causing illness and death. We have to appreciate food, especially BREAD, as it has been an important staple food product to many cultures over the centuries. It is referred to as the “staff of life” in the Bible. Humans have eaten some form of bread since the Neolithic era.
But as Mother Teresa, Indian Roman Catholic nun (1910-1997) said “There is more hunger in the world for love and appreciation in this world than for bread”. So it appears that love, kindness, respectfulness, appreciation and spiritual relationships for people are more important concepts in their lives.
Let’s be tolerant, friendly, thankful, careful to each other. Let’s be reliable and responsible! We don’t want our mankind suffer from cold, starvation, bulling and terrorism. Let’s keep peace in our world !
Yours faithfully,
The school-leavers of the 11th grade
Universal Children's Day
Universal Children's Day is celebrated annually on the 20th of November. The goal of this holiday is to improve child welfare worldwide, promote and celebrate children's rights and promote togetherness and awareness amongst all children.
In November we've got the new furniture !
The new 2019/2020 School Year Has Begun
The first graders are ready to learn English ! They are very amusing and cute.
Our Summer Camp
03.06.2019 р.
Літо – найвеселіша для дітей пора року. Адже влітку найдовші та найцікавіші канікули. Неповторні тому, що пригоди літа не повторюються з року в рік, а дарують нові види відпочинку, цікаві розваги, нові зустрічі. Стільки всього цікавого можна побачити, навчитись та зробити. А ще підрости, зміцніти, порозумнішати.
Святкова лінійка першого дня відкриття пройшла гарно, урочисто. Табірну зміну «Україночка-2019» розпочато.
Цього літа в пришкільному таборі працює англомовна група «Summer Digest» для учнів 5-6 класів, основна мета якої - створити відповідне мовне середовище та умови для заохочення учнів до вивчення іноземної мови. Кожного дня під керівництвом вчителя англійської мови Желєзняк Людмили Дмитрівни в цікавій та невимушеній формі діти підвищують рівень володіння англійської мовою.
7 червня 2019
Англомовна група "Summer Gigest" учнів 5-6 класів присвятила свій час виконанню улюбленой пісні "Happy Campers !"; спілкуванню про активній відпочинок вілітку на морі, на природі, на пляжі; словниковій грі "Лото "Харчування влітку". Корисним для розвитку навичок аудіювання та говоріння став перегляд та обговорення аудіоуроку вчителя Олі Оксфордської онлійн-школи "How to Talk About Your Family ?"
18 червня 2019
В мовному таборі з вчителем Желєзняк Л.Д. діти теж ознайомилися з привітаннями з Днем Святої Трійці (Holy Trinity Day) вивчили пісню "Червона калина" ( "A Red Berry").На відзначення свята діти також проявили свої знання англійської мови у Грі-вікторині «Хрестики-нулики» (“Noughts-and-Crosses”) на тему "Святкування" ("Celebrations").
The 30th anniversary of the Soviet troop withdrawal from
Afghanistan was marked in Dyviziia
February 15, 1989 is an unforgettable date for those who saw combat and for our entire people. On that day the last columns of military vehicles, soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army left the territory of Afghanistan and came home.
In difficult conditions far from home, service members and civil specialists faithfully performed their duty and upheld the interests of the Fatherland, demonstrating supreme professionalism, unparalleled courage and strength of mind as they carried out their serious mission.
Today, you veterans do not shy away from important deeds. You play an active role in the life of the country and society, keeping faith with the wartime brotherhood forged on Afghan soil. You help people with disabilities and families of fallen heroes, and devote special attention to the patriotic upbringing of the younger generation.
The pupils and teachers of the school of Dyviziia marked the 30th anniversary of the Soviet troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. The teachers Hordienko Lyudmyla Heorhiivna, Dreval Hennadiі Trokhymovych, Dreval Mykola Trokhymovych prepared and held the Lesson of Courage "My Eternal Pain - Afghanistan" on the 15th of February, 2019.
27.12.2019 - The pupils of the 1st form are singing the song "Hello Reindeer" at the New Year's Party.
These are our first-formers. They are so curious !
Our first formers of the New Ukrainian School 2018/2019
We wish you success, dear children !
22.03.2018 Aquaintance With the Future First Formers
On the 22nd of March the teacher of English Zhelezniak Lyudmyla Dmytrivna and the pupils of the 5th form met at school. The aim of the meeting was to get acquainted and to become friends with the future first formers. The pupils of the 5th form sang a popular and merry English song "Skinny marinky dinky dink" and gave the children small presents. We expect them to be nice pupils of our school from the 1st of September 2018 at the New Ukrainian School.
Annual National Storytelling Week
Over the past 24 years The Society For Storytelling has achieved much in its mission for the promotion of the oral tradition of storytelling, the very first way of communicating life experiences and the creative imagination.
2018 marks the 18th year of its Annual National Storytelling Week.
27th January~3rd February PLUS 4 days before and 4 days after; known as the "coat tails!"
National Storytelling Week takes place in storytelling clubs, theatres, museums, schools, hospitals, spoken word venues , and care homes (where this event has been steadily growing each year!)
Where ever the events take place, the web of stories will be spun with sufficient magic between the breathe of the teller and the ear of the listener.
National Storytelling Week is celebrated by all ages enjoying Folk tales, fairy lore, figments, phantoms, dragons, serpents, storms at sea.
A good teller will conjure intriguingly.
Remember everyone has at least one story to tell.
It exists in the very air around you – Your story is the one you know best and as it is only the beginning, the stories you will tell might begin with...
Once upon a time or not in my time, not in your time someone's time...
We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
Let's sing the song "Happy New Year!"
Happy St. Nicholas Day !
Valeria Dreval, the student of the 11th grade, has become the prize-winner
(the 3d place) of the ІІ level of All-Ukrainian subject contest (Olympiad) in English
in 2017/2018 according to the order of the Department of Education of the
Tatarbunary District State Administration # 442, 22.12.2017.
Well Done!
May today’s success be the beginning of tomorrow’s achievements.
Let's Prepare for Winter Holidays
Winter Holidays in Ukraine,
Great Britain and the USA
Very often we look forward to holidays to enjoy ourselves. As you know, the word “holidays” comes from the words “holy day.” The point is that all the holidays were first religious festivals, but nowadays many of them have nothing to do with religion. Each country has holidays honouring important events in its history. Many historical events are of great importance for all peoples and countries throughout the world.
As we live in Ukraine, we have our own customs and traditions, holidays and festivals.
St. Nicholas Day is a very special holiday for Ukrainian children and adults. In Ukraine and other Eastern Christian countries it is celebrated on December 19 (unlike Western Christian countries, where it is celebrated on December, 6). Tradition to celebrate St. Nicholas Day came to Ukraine with the Christianity during the rule of the prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich (years 1088-1089). Saint Nicholas always considered to be patron saint for children.
St. Nicholas Day in Ukraine is a really bright and joyful holiday. Parents and grandparents tell the children story of St. Nicholas life and teach them to be as kind, laborious, charitable, honest as Saint Nicholas was. Ukrainians believe that in the night of December 19 all their sincere wishes will be heard and fulfilled.
New Year Holiday is widely observed in Ukraine. The most common type of celebration is the New Year party, either a family party or one arranged by a group of young people. This usually begins at 9 o’clock and goes on till the early hours of the morning. There is a lot of drinking and eating on the festive table; but the main thing is that New Year is the holiday of expectations. The children decorate the New Year tree with toys and coloured lights. When the clock strikes 12, everybody drinks champagne and says to each other, “Happy New Year!”
Christmas Day is observed on the 7th of January. You know, this holiday is of religious origin. Most people observe the tradition of going to church and having a tasty dinner. But in Ukraine people do not exchange presents on this holiday as it is in the case of Great Britain and many other countries.
In Great Britain most of the holidays are of religious origin, but for the greater part of the population they have lost their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry.
In England the New Year is not so widely observed as Christmas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at the same time as usual on New Year’s Eve. Others celebrate it arranging either a family party or one arranged by a group of young people. At midnight the wireless is turned on, so that everyone can hear the chimes of Big Ben, and on the hour a toast is drunk to New Year.
Christmas Day is observed on the 25th of December. On Christmas Eve in the homes there is a great air of expectation. Children decorate the fir-tree with tinsel, coloured lights and toys. The houses are decorated with holly and a bunch of mistletoe. The Christmas bird, nowadays usually a turkey, is cooked and stuffed by housewives.
American people start celebrating Christmas Day on the 25th of December. In the United States the spirit of Christmas arrives about a month before the holiday itself. Late in November street lights and store windows are decorated with the traditional Christmas colours of red and green. Santa Claus, shepherds, angels appear in shop windows. Many families observe the tradition of going to Church on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. After services, they gather around the tree and open their gifts. After that they sit down to enjoy a traditional Christmas dinner — turkey or ham, potatoes, vegetables and cranberry sauce. Dessert is usually fruit cake, plum pudding or mince pie. Many American children believe that on Christmas Eve Santa Claus (a fat, jolly man who wears a red suit, red hat and long white beard) slides down their chimney to bring them gifts. The New Year tree is usually covered with coloured balls and strings of coloured lights. The star on the top represents the star in the East which guided the three Wise Men to Bethlehem. In ancient times a branch of mistletoe was hung over doorway for good luck. Today the custom continues, but now it is for fun. Anyone standing under the mistletoe is likely to be kissed. On Christmas Day everyone sings Christmas Carols and sends Christmas Cards with greetings to friends and relatives.
The New Year is observed on the 31st of December. At home or in restaurants most Americans spend the holiday drinking and dining with friends. One popular New Year’s Eve drink is eggnog made of eggs, milk or cream, nutmeg and sugar. Champagne – the drink that symbolizes celebration – is often served for the midnight toast on New Year’s Eve.
( Some materials are taken from T.M. Huzhva "Topics in English")
Let’s Learn and Sing
English Winter Holiday Songss
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Jolly old Saint Nicholas,
Lean your ear this way!
Don't you tell a single soul
What I'm going to say:
Christmas Eve is coming soon;
Now, you dear old man
Whisper what you'll bring to me;
Tell me if you can.
When the clock is striking twelve,
When I'm fast asleep
Down the chimney, broad and black,
With your pack you'll creep
All the stockings you will find
Hanging in a row
Mine will be the shortest one,
You'll be sure to know
Bobby wants a pair of skates,
Suzy wants a sled
Nellie wants a picture book,
Yellow, blue, and red
Now I think I'll leave to you
What to give the rest
Choose for me, dear Santa Claus;
You will know the best.
Here Comes Santa Claus
Here Comes Santa Claus
Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus,
Right down Santa Claus lane
Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer
Pullin' on the reins
Bells are ringin', children singin'
All is merry and bri
Hang your stockings and say your prayers
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight!
Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus,
Right down Santa Claus lane
He's got a bag that's filled with toys
For boys and girls again
Hear those sleigh bells jingle jangle,
Oh what a beautiful sight
So jump in bed and cover your head
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight!
Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus,
Right down Santa Claus lane
He doesn't care if you're rich or poor
He loves you just the same
Santa Claus knows we're all Gods children
That makes everything right
So fill your hearts with Christmas cheer
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight!
Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus,
Right down Santa Claus lane
He'll come around when the chimes ring out
That it's Christmas morn again
Peace on earth will come to all
If we just follow the light
So lets give thanks to the lord above
That Santa Claus comes tonight!
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
And a happy New Year!
Good tidings to you
Wherever you are
Good tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!
Please bring us a figgy pudding,
Please bring us a figgy pudding,
Please bring us a figgy pudding,
And a cup of good Cheer
Good tidings to you
Wherever you are
Good tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!
And we won’t go until we get some
And we won’t go until we get some
And we won’t go until we get some,
So bring some out here.
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Good tidings to you
Wherever you are
Good tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Jingle Bells
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.
Dashing through the snow
On a one-horse open sleigh
Over the fields, we go laughing all the way.
Bells on bob-tails ring
Making spirits bright.
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.
The English Lesson
in the 5th Grade at the Beginning of Winter
On the 1st of December 2017 an unusual English lesson was held in the 5th grade of the School of Dyviziya. 10 observers were present at the lesson. They were the teachers from schools of Dyviziya, Tatarbunary, Vyshneve, Tuzly and some pupils' parents.
The topic of the lesson was "Television in our life". The pupils had a nice possibility to act as hosts and participants of television channels "News", "Weather", "Educationl Channel 'Easy English", "Evening Tale for Children "Fussy Princess".
The pupils tried to do their best in demonstrating of their knowledge, talents and skills in learning English. At the end of the lesson they got good marks and presents on the eve of winter holidays.
The children and the guests were excited and happy. The teachers monitored the methodological technique, the pedagogical laboratory and the creative potential of the host English teacher of the school of Dyviziya.
The Day of Dignity and Freedom in Ukraine
Dignity and Freedom Day is an official holiday that is celebrated for the third time in Ukraine on November 21, 2017.
On November 13, 2014 President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed the Decree 872/2014 "On the Day of Dignity and Freedom", which set an annual celebration on November 21 the Day of Dignity and Freedom.
"Ukraine is the territory of dignity and freedom originated from two revolutions – our Maidan of 2004, which was the Holiday of Freedom, and the Revolution of 2013, the Revolution of Dignity. It was an extremely difficult challenge for Ukraine, when Ukrainians demonstrated their Europeanness, dignity and desire for freedom. As President of Ukraine, I must documentarily attest it and sign the Decree on the Day of Dignity and Freedom that will be celebrated by Ukrainians on November 21 from here to eternity," the President said.
Prehistory of Maidan 2013
The Association Agreement between Ukraine and EU was to have been signed at a summit meeting of Eastern Partnership in Vilnius held trough November 28-29, 2013. However, on November 21, Ukrainian government decided to stop the preparation for signing the Association Agreement. On the same day, late at night, people started gathering at Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kyiv to protest against this government's decision.
The day of saint Mykhajlo,
or Cathedral of saint Archangel Mykhajlo,
is marked on November, 21
Saint Michael the Archangel |ˈɑːrkeɪndʒl| isn't a saint, but rather he is an angel, and the leader of all angels and of the army of God. This is what the title "Archangel"means, that he is above all the others in rank.
St. Michael has four main responsibilities or offices, as we know from Scripture
and Christian tradition.
1.The first is to combat Satan.
2.The second is to escort the faithful to heaven at their hour of death.
3.The third is to be a champion of all Christians, and the Church itself.
4.And the fourth is to call men from life on Earth to their heavenly judgment.
There is the St. Mykhajlo church in the village Dyviziya, which is situated in the Tatarbunary district of Odesa region. The village was founded in 1818 and the church was consecrated in 1823.
Since then villagers keep the tradition of celebrating the Day of saint Mykhajlo or Cathedral of saint Archangel Mykhajlo on the 21st of November annually. In the morning they go to the festive service in church, then most of the families try to gather together at the holiday table. As usual it is laid with tasty Ukrainian dishes.
On the eve of the feast a nice concert is held in the Palace of Culture. The participants of the show are the members of amateur talent groups both children and adults.
of the English Optional Classes
in 2017/2018
Grades: 5-6 7-8 9-10 11
Days of the week: Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday
Time: 08.10-08.55 08.10-08.55 15.45 - 16.30 15.45-16.35
Individual classes "Digest" are held on Mondays ( 14.50 - 15. 35)
for the pupils of the 5-11 grades
The classes begin on the 7th of November 2017
The teacher: Zheliezniak Lyudmyla Dmytrivna
17 лютого 2017
До Міжнародного дня рідної мови 21 лютого
Великий "сполучник" української нації
Відео Братекевич В., учениці 10 класу, про видатного українця Канади Я.Б.Рудницького
УВАГА - конкурс !
"Видатні українці Канади"
Let's Celebrate !
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
May this 2017 New Year be the year of success, progress
and recognition !
Let it bring new friends, new achievements and new
discoveries; offer huge opportunities, endless possibilities
and inexhaustible inspiration to all of you!
Try to be an excellent teacher!
Every day bring hope, love and enthusiasm,
X-ray your students to raise their spirits,
Care about them because they matter,
Energise fresh ideas, always learning,
Like and enjoy the subject,
Leave worries and emotions outside,
Encourage and motivate,
Never forget to praise,
Teach moral values by example.
Tolerant and patient,
Exciting and inspiring,
Admirable and adored,
Charismatic and committed,
Helpful and creative,
Educated and knowledgeable,
Responsible and respectful,
Supportive and striving for excellence.